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Fairbury News staff

Team prepares for Europe

Jake Raber, Addie Raber, Ainsley Kratochvil, Ashlyn Kratochvil and Laura Schaffer at DQ last week.

Members of the Prairie Central FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation Team are looking forward to a big trip this summer as they have been invited to judge at two international shows in Europe.

Ainsley Kratochvil, Ashlyn Kratochvil, Jake Raber, Addie Raber and Laura Schaffer will all compete in Scotland and Ireland while touring various farms and enjoying other attractions.

“To earn this trip to Europe, we had to first compete at nationals and to get to nationals, we had to win our state contest which we did last spring,” explained Ainsley.

The team, consisting of the two Kratochvils and Rabers, was named reserve national champion during last fall’s National FFA Convention. Schaffer was a member of the state winning team last April with the other four and prepared for nationals as the alternate.

Fundraising efforts for the trip are now underway, as a recent event at Fairbury’s Dairy Queen saw a nice turnout of supportive community members. It was a step in the right direction toward the $25,000 goal.

“We actually ended up raising $650 toward our trip,” said Ashlyn.

Around 140 letters have been sent to area business and individuals asking for assistance. After hearing back from potential donors, the group will move on to other fundraisers during the remainder of the school year.

Things are going well for the Prairie Central FFA this year as they already have a couple of state championships so far with their CDE teams. The chapter is busy preparing for National FFA Week coming up this month as well as the Prairie Central FFA Farm and Home Show in Forrest Feb. 29 and the annual meal and auction Mar. 19.

Nationals went well for Prairie Central as the school received national champions in ag sales, reserve national champions for ag mechanics, reserve national champions in dairy products and fourth in the nation for vet sciences, in addition to the reserve placing of the dairy cattle team.

For more information, look for the Prairie Central FFA on Facebook and Instagram or contact Prairie Central High School in Fairbury.

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