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Sealtite settles into new home

Fairbury News staff

(The new headquarters for Sealtite Insulation and Slabjacking is shown Tuesday in Fairbury)

If you have driven west on Route 24 out of Fairbury, you have likely noticed the big white building on the north side of the road.

That is the new office and warehouse space for Sealtite Insulation and Slabjacking which is now operational.

“It’s been great to get a bigger facility,” Sealtite president Jeremy Leman told Fairbury News. “We have moved from four other buildings into one.”

The office staff members have their own offices, there are meeting rooms and even extra space the company can grow into. Equipment is stored in the warehouse which has plenty of space.

“Before, we were crowded into a pretty small space so it was harder to talk on the phone,” admits Leman.

It has been about a two-year process to get everything off the ground. Leman notes the facility was built out of necessity due to growth.

“Each bay has its own door and we’ve got one extra bay so we built it big enough for a little growth,” he explained.

Being completely spray foamed, Leman feels the new space is really efficient. There is even floor heat throughout the building.

“Of course, we insulated it very well so I’m excited to see how little of energy use we can get by with.”

Leman feels blessed that they were able to build the facility for his team which has worked really hard.

Out of the team of almost 30 employees, a few are out of the Cissna Park area as Sealtite acquired Illiana Insulation. Five people work for Sealtite down in Fort Myers, Florida too. There are roughly 20 who work out of Illinois every day.

“We are just super blessed to have a great team,” said Leman.

Sealtite works hard at building its company culture to keep people employed and customers expect to see the same faces on the job site, in Leman’s opinion. Sealtite has found that building culture within builds on itself in a positive way.

“There’s a big price to pay for a high turnover rate,” observed Leman. “You don’t turn out as good of work and it’s hard to keep people around when their co-workers are leaving.”

Spray foam insulation and concrete lifting are the services Sealtite is known for. They do all types of insulation including blown cellulose and blown fiberglass.

“We do damp spray cellulose now with the acquisition of Illiana Insulation in Cissna Park so we can spray a damp cellulose in walls,” Leman added.

At Sealtite, they are passionate about spray foam insulation and they do plenty of concrete lifting on driveways, porches or sidewalks. They even do foundation stabilization and lifting on houses. Work ranges from small residential projects to larger commercial projects or properties.

Sealtite can be reached at its brand-new location on the west end of Fairbury at 855-692-3626 or you can visit

(Sealtite's Jeremy Leman poses with a customized sign inside the new building's office space)

(Storage and shop space inside the new Sealtite building)

(A wall display inside the new Sealtite facility)

(The inside ceiling of the lobby area at Sealtite in Fairbury)

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