In what has become a tradition at the December meeting, members of the Prairie Central Board of Education recognized Prairie Central FFA teams for their success at the national level.
During last Thursday’s regular meeting in the high school library, the board thanked the chapter for the hard work of students and sponsors to achieve the honors. The Ag Sales and Milk Quality and Products teams were both national champions this year and the Agricultural Communications and Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management teams both received eighth place.
PC competed against other state champion teams from the U.S., including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Each national contest had between 41 and 45 other state champion teams competing at the highest level.
In another matter, the proposed levy presented at the November meeting was approved. Superintendent Paula Crane tried to calculate the levy to be at the same tax rate we have currently. A Truth in Taxation hearing was held prior to the vote.
During her superintendent report, Crane said the drainage project is still at a standstill but work on the Ag and I.T. building is still on schedule with the roof and some walls in place.
Heat in the high school’s Lincoln wing has been out all week and they may be able to put a part on it from the second Upper Elementary boiler. The goal is to get the heat fixed before really cold weather comes in.
“The little heaters seem to be keeping up okay right now,” observed Crane.
Crane informed the board about a recent smoke evacuation situation at Prairie Central Elementary in Fairbury. Teachers were able to get every student out of the building in about a minute.
“The teachers kept the kids calm and quiet.”
The PCE heat situation, which was blamed for the smoke, will be addressed over the holiday break.
“You can tell those kids have been through drills,” Crane added.
The board authorized the formation of a broad-based committee of community members and staff to develop a long-range facility plan. The community members are strictly advising the board with the purpose of finding the priorities and steps needed for long-term improvement and engagement with the community.
“You will have a report presented to you in June then in July act on that,” explained Crane.
There were many names on the list of community members and each town will have a handful of representatives on the committee.
“I think it looks like a good group,” said board member Ben Stoller.
The letting of bids was approved for 40,000 gallons of five percent biodiesel to satisfy district fuel needs for approximately one year. Bids will be opened Jan. 10 at 2:30 p.m. in the Unit Office.
An overnight trip request was authorized for the high school boys basketball team during the Williamsville Holiday Tournament Dec. 27-28.
Board members approved minutes from the Nov. 14 regular meeting and Dec. 5 special finance committee meeting. The consent agenda was also approved, which included the activity fund report, bills, cafeteria report, financial information, investment schedule and Treasurer’s report.
Mike Wilson of Eastern Illini Electric appeared before the group to present a rebate check from the cooperative. EIEC supplies electricity to Prairie Central Junior High School in Forrest. If money is left after expenses for a not-for-profit company, customers get a rebate.
Following an executive session, the Prairie Central Board of Education:
-Approved resignations of Michelle Honegger (PCUE interventionist, effective Dec. 31), Jason Whitfill (PCJH PE teacher, effective at the end of the school year), Danny Wells (PCHS math teacher, effective Dec. 22) and Steven Tooley (PCE custodian, effective Dec. 4).
-Approved the retirement of Sandra Ropp (PCJH PE teacher, effective at the end of the school year).
-Employed Barry Corbin (auxiliary high school girls basketball coach), Shelby Schroba (PCP West part-time custodian), Angelica Pruitt (PCE part-time custodian) and Joshua Bzdusek (PCE head custodian).
-Transferred Jonnita Vogel from PCJH ELA to PCJH PE, effective in the 2024-25 school year.