Only four members of the Fairbury City Council participating in Wednesday’s regular meeting combined with a light agenda resulted in an unusually short meeting.
Aldermen James Tipton, Charles Hoselton and Jon Kinate attended in-person and approved a motion allowing Jerry Hoffman to attend remotely via telephone. Those absent included Gary Norris, Steve Endres, Bruce Weber and Bill Schmidgall. Mayor David Slagel presided over the meeting as usual.
The council approved the consent agenda which included Jan. 5 meeting minutes, voucher invoice register listing the bills, treasurer’s cash report, check register and overtime report.
Council members authorized the second of three payments to Iroquois Paving Corporation in the amount of $59,083.78 from the First to Fourth street sanitary sewer extension project in the alley behind the Post Office. A new business item to consider acoustic panel bids in the council chambers was tabled.