The new municipal website has gone live for Fairbury.
City Superintendent Brett Ashburn told members of the Fairbury City Council Wednesday evening that is now the main site. An app is also available for download under “City of Fairbury.”
Ashburn said they will be able to release information to the community easier with push notifications.
The former website will eventually get forwarded over to the new one, according to Mayor David Slagel.
Also at Wednesday’s regular meeting, Bruce Pride from the sewer department asked for a few extra part-timers to help over the summer with sewer cleaning so the camera can show what needs to be fixed.
“I’d like to find everything and get the sewers clean,” Pride noted.
“It’s something we can talk about,” said Mayor Slagel.
The purchase of a cutter attachment was approved for the Vactor truck. This includes a root cutter, saws, skids and large hub.
A quote was approved from MET for soil work at the water treatment plant for improvements in the amount of $7,500. MET is proposing to drill a total of seven borings on the project site and appropriate laboratory testing will be performed on the samples collected.
“We’re just looking at contracting directly with MET to get that ball rolling” explained Joe Russow with Farnsworth Group.
Eventual improvements at the water treatment plant include construction of multiple new structures including a chemical feed and storage room, two silos, aerator, CO2 bulk tank and gravel drive.
Council members approved paying out sick days to employees who have excess sick days at the end of the year. This is a reward if employees don’t use all of the days.
An amended pay ordinance was approved to reflect a raise.
Superintendent Ashburn told the council he can get them signed-up on behalf of the city if they are interested in attending the upcoming Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council dinner.
The consent agenda was authorized, including Dec. 18 meeting minutes, voucher invoice register listing the bills, treasurer’s cash report and overtime report.