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New basketball courts proposed

Dale C. Maley

(Fairbury's Marsh Park shown during a previous summer, file photo)

Jason Smith gave a presentation to the Fairbury City Council Wednesday evening proposing the addition of two new basketball courts to Marsh Park.

One new court would be dedicated to the memory of Dylan Bazzell, and the other to Drew Fehr.

The two courts would be regulation high school size and would be adjacent to Ash Street between the Marsh Park north screened-in pavilion and the road. The courts would have adjustable-height backboards, with each one costing $2,600.

Three people have already volunteered to donate money to cover the cost of three of the four backboards.

Smith envisions Fairbury hosting summer basketball tournaments similar to existing contests conducted in Peoria and Champaign. The concrete for each court is estimated to have a cost of $17,000. Prairie Lands Foundation would be asked to set up an account to collect donations similar to what they have done on past projects.

While the council was receptive to Smith's proposal, there were discussions about alternate locations for the two new basketball courts, including the old hospital location and SunkenPark.

The next step is for Mayor David Slagel to contact Praire Lands Foundation to verify they are willing to manage the funds donated for this project.

Also, during the public input portion of the meeting, Dale Maley reported on plans to complete three projects this summer in Fairbury. This includes painting at Marsh Park, replacing the wood Prairie Lands sign at the swimming pool, and replacing the awning at the Fairbury Echoes Museum.

Alderman Jon Kinate has received many reports on the excessive number of potholes on Route 24 in town. Kinate will contact Jason Bunting, our State Representative for Fairbury, since the State of Illinois is responsible for maintaining Route 24.

The Council voted to approve a pay ordinance, including contracts with the City Superintendent and Police. The sale of the used 2013 Explorer for $1,351 was approved. The city approved a proposal to make miscellaneous improvements to the swimming pool for a net cost of $60,000. The last item approved was a proposal from Gomez Lawncare to maintain the downtown flower boxes.



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