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Fairbury News staff

Legion receives donation

Commander Gerry Brandt and Adjutant Dean Lassiter received the GAHHS $338 check on behalf of the Fairbury John Joda Post 54 at the office of Dr. Rachel Wenger.

The Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services (GAHHS) challenged its employees to "step up" to promote good health and to give back to those who have served their country.

GAHHS agreed to donate one dollar for every 10,000 steps taken by the employees. GAHHS employees logged 40,476,250 steps in a five week period beginning on Veterans Day 2018! Twelve American Legion posts within the GAHHS service area were the grateful recipients of GAHHS’ generosity, each receiving $338.

Commander Gerry Brandt and Adjutant Dean Lassiter received the GAHHS $338 check on behalf of the Fairbury John Joda Post 54 at the office of Dr. Rachel Wenger, 221 Wal-Crest Drive in Fairbury with staff and employees looking on.

The Fairbury American Legion Post maintains a stock of durable medical equipment (DME) from walking canes to an adjustable hospital bed for loan to anyone with a need.

The Post also participates in the Gifts to the Yanks Who Gave program which was instituted in 1944 to remember our hospitalized War Veterans. The American Legion, Department of Illinois, has maintained this worthy program continuously since its inception by distributing gifts annually to each of our veteran patients at all of the V.A. Hospitals and extended care units throughout Illinois.

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