Informational meetings are planned in the Prairie Central School District ahead of the April referendum at different school buildings.
It was announced at Thursday’s regular meeting of the Prairie Central Board of Education that the first meeting is March 6 at Prairie Central Primary East in Chatsworth from 4 to 6 p.m. followed by March 8 at Prairie Central Elementary in Fairbury from 8 to 11 a.m. A third meeting is set for Wednesday, March 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Prairie Central Primary West in Chenoa.
Another open house is planned in the Prairie Central High School cafeteria in Fairbury the night before the election on March 31 from 4 to 7 p.m.
The events will feature an open house come-and-go style with staff available to visit with those attending. Some building tours will be offered.
Also during Thursday’s regular February meeting of the Prairie Central Board of Education, the group heard from Miles Ralph during public comment. Ralph works for Senator Balkema’s office and introduced himself to everyone.
“If you have any questions for our office, just let me know,” he said.
Superintendent Paula Crane reviewed the recent teacher institute day at the nearby First Baptist Church which started out with information presented to teachers and a keynote speaker focused on approaching what each person brings to the group.
“I think there was a little something for everybody,” stated Crane.
Crane said Prairie Central Elementary was the spotlight school at this month’s Advisory Council meeting, noting all three grades are showing growth in the right direction. It was also revealed the third grade muscle car day is in the works and they are hoping for good weather this year.
Under old business, the board approved the 2025-2026 school calendar which covers the next school year. Teachers start August 11-12 with two institute days with kids starting August 18 with early heat dismissals the first two weeks of school. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving will be a day off with winter break starting Dec. 19 with an early out and students returning January 5.
Spring break 2026 will be the end of March to early April which connects to the Easter holiday.
A milk contract renewal was approved with Prairie Farms for Fiscal Year 26 as they are proposing a $2,000 increase for milk for the entire year. According to Crane, Prairie Farms is the only company that will give the school small milk cartons and a fridge to put them in.
A resolution was approved for abating, or moving, the working cash fund. This moves $7,000,000 from working cash to the Operations and Maintenance Fund to be used for repairs and maintenance work on buildings.
Another resolution was authorized for the issuance of $7,000,000 Taxable General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2025, for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of the district, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the Educational Fund for maintenance and repairs.
Board Secretary Ben Stoller expressed a desire for board members to go into the schools and possibly volunteer to see how things run day to day.
“I’d like to be able to tour the school and see it to show them we’re interested,” explained Stoller.
“It would be nice if they knew ahead of time,” Crane said, referring to staff at the buildings.
Stoller suggested board members rotate to different schools. Crane will explore options and help put a plan in place for the upcoming school year for this.
The board approved a bereavement policy to cover protocols for permanent and spontaneous memorials, fundraisers and special considerations.
Minutes were approved from the January 16 regular meeting along with special meetings on January 21, February 10, February 17 and February 19.
Board members authorized the consent agenda which included the activity fund report, café report and treasurer’s report as presented.
The board:
Approved the following individuals for employment:
Logan Steidinger (aux HS track coach) effective immediately
Kelsey Folk (PCE paraprofessional) effective 2-3-25
Lee Reinhart (HS head custodian) effective 2-24-25
Approved the following resignations/retirements/dismissals:
Michael Schwenk (HS Dean of Students) effective the end of FY25
Jeana Forsyth (HS scholastic bowl co-coach) effective end of FY25
Carolyn Pacheco (JH science teacher) effective end of FY25
Matthew Razo (with intent to retire) effective end of 2027-28 school year
DISMISSAL: Shannon Stapleton, bus monitor, effective 2-18-25
Approved the following transfers:
Shelby Schroeba from PCP E/W custodian I to PCE head custodian effective
Josh Bzdusek from PCE head custodian to PCUE head custodian effective
Todd Bryant from PCHS head custodian to maintenance assistant effective
Approved the following leave of absence:
Renae Waldbeser (substitute HS math teacher) effective 3-3-25 for 6 to 12