The Fairbury Improvement Group met this week and covered several topics.
According to meeting minutes supplied by Dale Maley, they discussed the recent Freedom Festival held at Marsh Park which was hot but not impacted by rain. Attendance was estimated at 100-150 people. Also, both pavilions have been stained at North Park and the replacement of 38 cedar framed screens on the large pavilion has been completed.
A 35-year-old split rain fence was replaced at Veterans Memorial Park, formerly Central Park with the Prairie Lands Foundation covering material cost. The park’s gazebo roof was chemically cleaned to remove gray coloring using six gallons of donated cleaner. An Eagle Scout project is underway to add a Veterans Memorial Park sign in the flag area.
New items discussed included the Prairie Dirt Classic planned for this weekend along with the Local Taste event set for September 21 from 11-3. Volunteers are needed to help set up and tear down. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Rebekah Fehr. A new home is needed for four murals across from the new City Hall as the owner is installing windows where the murals are located.
The group also learned Prairie Lands is working on adding a new sidewalk from the high school to Catholic Cemetery Road. The group’s next meeting is planned for Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. in the new City Hall basement using the west door entrance.