The Prairie Central Board of Education honored members of the Prairie Central FFA with a resolution Thursday night for their success last fall at nationals.
“The board congratulates and holds in the highest esteem the Prairie Central High School judging program,” said board president Mark Slagel.
Slagel noted a number of PC extra-curricular and sports programs are doing well and said it was rewarding to recognize all of these accomplishments.
“It’s just great to be able to do this kind of stuff,” added Slagel.
“Thank you so much for all you do,” stated Superintendent Paula Crane.
PC’s FFA received national champions in ag sales and reserve national champions in ag mechanics, dairy cattle and dairy products. They received fourth in the nation in vet science.
Also during Thursday’s regular school board meeting, Superintendent Crane and the board discussed maintenance projects, including replacement of the football field bleachers. Member John Wilken said he would prefer a special meeting on this and Slagel does not want to wait too long for bids.
“We definitely need to get rid of the bleachers we have,” said Crane.
Tim McGreal called for a plan that goes out several years to see how all of this is going to fit. A meeting to discuss bids is planned for Feb. 3 at 7 p.m.
Field lighting was another topic as two of the light poles are bad, according to a recent inspection. They are rotting and will need to be replaced soon. The poles, from the late 1960s or early 1970s, could be replaced with fewer poles due to new LED lighting.
Tuition-based preschool was another talking point at the meeting. A teacher would be needed for the program which would be offered at PC Primary East and West. This program would be more academic based and surveys recently went out to see if there was any interest.
The Transportation Committee reported they have been looking for a good wheel chair bus but haven’t had any luck as the district has a couple. Slagel said they would be better off to trade one off.
“We do kind of need another spare bus now,” Slagel explained.
The district is trying to work on a transportation budget where it doesn’t get stuck with so many old buses. This would keep track of vehicles which need to be replaced.
A different way of purchasing fuel may be considered by the board with a meeting planned in the next week to talk over the issue before bringing it back for further discussion in February.