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Board acknowledges wrestlers

(Chloe Hoselton, front left, and Kellan Spisok, right, recognized by the PC board Tuesday)

The recent success of two Prairie Central wrestlers was acknowledged this week during the Prairie Central Board of Education’s regular March meeting.

High School student Chloe Hoselton and Upper Elementary student Kellan Spisok (wrestling for PC Junior High) both won their respective state wrestling championships. Both athletes were congratulated by the board on their accomplishments and thanked for their hard work and dedication.

Hoselton is Prairie Central’s first ever female wrestling champion and Spisok is the youngest.

Also at Tuesday’s meeting, Andrew Jolly addressed the board during public comment about the ongoing community engagement meetings. He has concerns over the public not having a chance to be heard and that some people at tables do not believe others are listening to them. Jolly would like to see the meetings moved around, not just in one place.

The board learned of new technology being brought into the district and saw a demonstration of Promethean Board. The district has a rotation scheduled for student Chromebooks and has been working on new laptops for all teachers.

Board members took a tour of the new agriculture and IT facility to view progress. All of the walls are up and painting is underway.

Under old business, the board heard members of the PCEA have ratified the negotiated contract for 2024-2027. The board ratified the contract which will take effect next school year.

A new tax abatement request for Sealtite was approved. Adam Dontz of the Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council noted tax abatements help to keep businesses in Livingston County rather than to a neighboring state. Sealtite asked for a five-year abatement with year 1-3 abating 100 percent of the property tax and years 4 and 5 abating 50 percent. The board currently has agreements for abatements with Selig, Zutat, Technical Metals and Slagel Manufacturing.

In new business, it was revealed that Tyson Stork, high school ag and IT teacher, has started a Bass Fishing Club at the high school level. The club would like to compete at the state level so the board officially recognized the Prairie Central High School Bass Fishing Club as a Prairie Central club and appointed Stork the volunteer sponsor.

The Prairie Central Board of Education also:

-Renewed memberships with IHSA and IESA.

-Approved an overnight stay for junior high wrestlers.

-Authorized an overnight stay in Centralia April 4-5 for the Dairy Judging team to compete.

-Asked Superintendent Paula Crane to research possibilities for the sale of Meadowbrook property in Forrest as the village is interested in purchasing it.

-Approved the consent agenda, including the activity fund report, bills, cafeteria report, financial reports, CSFT reports, investment schedule and Treasurer’s report.

Following an executive session, the board approved the following resignations and retirements:

-Renee Wenger, JH speech club sponsor, effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Cindy Ifft, junior class sponsor, effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Meghan Briscoe, PCE parapro, effective March 6, 2024.

-Kaitlyn Sattler, JH social studies teacher effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Kaitlyn Sattler, JH track coach, effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Ethan Knieser, HS science teacher, effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Alexis Heins, HS ELA teacher, effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Alexis Heins, senior class sponsor, effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Darin Bazzell, HS head boys’ basketball coach, effective end of 23-24 school year.

-Amber Maxfield, PCP East paraprofessional, effective March 22, 2024.

-Alan Dunahee, PCHS assistant football coach, effective immediately.

-Rachel Arguetta, PCP East preK teacher, effective end of 23-24 school year.

The following appointments were made:

-Trevin McCulloh, PCHS head boys’ basketball coach, effective 24-25 school year.

-Raquel Eshleman, JH ELA teacher, effective 24-25 school year.

-Brittany Marti, PCP West paraprofessional, effective April 2, 2024.

-Claire Scheulin, JH social studies teacher, effective 24-25 school year.

-Robyn Buchenau, JH track coach, effective immediately.

-Baylee Ritter, JH speech club sponsor, effective 24-25 school year.

The Board approved the transfer of Baylee Ritter from PCUE 6th grade teacher to PCJH science teacher, effective the 2024-25 school year.

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