Though no business was conducted, members of the Fairbury City Council still heard from a guest during Wednesday’s scheduled meeting at City Hall.
With no quorum, the aldermen could not officially approve anything on the agenda, but did hear from a representative for Senator Chris Balkema. Jeff Wynn is one of the senator’s travel liaisons.
“He’s there to help with anything you need,” Wynn explained. “If you know of something that needs to be fixed, let him know.”
Wynn spoke of several proposals in Springfield, one of which includes increasing the income limit on assessment freezes for seniors. The income limit is currently $65,000 in Illinois and a proposal has that increasing to $75,000.
Balkema also wants to increase state money to the community to possibly reduce property taxes. Wynn updated the group on a House Bill which establishes a timeline for state agencies to review municipal permit applications.
“He has been pretty hard at work since he’s been there,” noted Wynn.
According to Wynn, Senator Balkema hopes to make Illinois a welcoming place to do business while gaining the trust of constituents.
Various state bills can be viewed at www.ilga.gov, including who sponsors them and the status.
Wynn said Balkema will “not compromise his principles.”
City Superintendent Brett Ashburn reported the city received plans from the Illinois Department of Transportation to start resurfacing work on U.S. Route 24 from the county line west of town all the way to 10th Street in Fairbury. This work is expected to start in April, though it is not known when it will be completed.
Four Fairbury City Council members were absent from Wednesday’s meeting including Bill Schmidgall, Jerry Hoffman, Bruce Weber and Charles Hoselton Jr. Those present included Jim Tipton, Jon Kinate, Steve Endres and Gary Norris along with Mayor Slagel.
New business items listed on the meeting agenda, which the council could not approve due to not enough members present, included a quote for framing picnic tables, appointing a fire clerk and purchasing aluminum for pool panel replacements. These items are continued to the next council meeting.
An executive session was on the agenda, although it was not held.